From Dragon to Dragonfly

Unleash Reiki's Power for a Positive Menopause Experience

Reiki for Menopause

Discover Reiki's Tranquility: Healing & Wellbeing in Maidenhead with a Master Reiki Healer Reiki Master sitting on floor smiling

Unleash Reiki’s Power for a Positive Menopause Experience

Reiki is a natural and totally safe method of hands on healing. It brings balance and harmony to the mind, body and emotions. Reiki helps to speed up the body’s own natural healing and is a gentle but powerful complimentary therapy. 

Reiki is effective in alleviating menopause symptoms because it helps to balance various systems in the body. Including the body’s hormonal system. Here are a few of the many benefits that Reiki can assist with..

Reiki Can Assist With

  • Balances the chakra system, the sacral chakra being the most likely affected.

  • Helps to alleviate both the physical symptoms and emotional symptoms.

  • Helps with regulating hormones.

  • Alleviates stress.

  • Balances emotions.

  • Promotes healthy circulation.

  • Eliminates toxins from the body.

Huge Effect

Reiki gives a ‘time-out’ when you can just relax, in an hour, that is just about you and your well-being.

It’s so important when you’re going through a process that has such a huge effect on your body, emotions and well-being to have something to look forward to each week, fortnight or month. Reiki makes you the ‘best you can be’, at any given time.

We need to be gentle with ourselves and kind to our bodies when going through all the stages of menopause.  As women, we tend to be everything to everyone and feel guilty if we take time for ourselves. Especially if we pay out for treatments for ourselves. Around the menopause is when we have to learn to let go of that a little and actually start being kind to ourselves!

We can learn to be patient and gentle with our bodies, brains and feelings. Don’t scold ourselves every time we forget something, or we find another pain, or feel too exhausted to move.

So I had a horrendous time when I first encountered the menopause. It’s only after discovering Reiki that I began to understand why I felt the way I did. Because only then I was able to come to terms with the various feelings and emotions. And was able to navigate the nightmare that menopause can be, for some women.

We all need a little nurturing!

Unleash Reiki's Power for a Positive Menopause Experience

If you’ve read my story you will know that I was once an emotional mess. Thanks to Reiki, this is no longer the case. Feel free to get in touch if you want to learn how Reiki can help any menopausal woman, today. Or you can view my other Reiki offerings here.


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