From Dragon to Dragonfly

Reiki Level 1 Training - Self Healing

Reiki Certification Courses: Learn Energy Healing Techniques Today – in Maidenhead. Unlock your own healing energy with Reiki certification.

My next Reiki Level 1 Training course will be:

Saturday 26th October 2024. 10.00am – 4.00pm appx.
St.Marks, Maidenhead.

Please contact me should you have an interest in training in Reiki level 1.

Learn Reiki and how to unlock your own healing energy on my Reiki certification course in Maidenhead

This beginners ‘life changing’ course enables you to channel Reiki energy for self-healing.


The history of Reiki
The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Ways to use Reiki.
The importance of intention.
Your Chakras, how they relate to physical illness and disease.
Protecting and clearing your energy.
Creating a sacred space.
How to channel healing energy and the hand positions for self treatment.
Reiki breathing techniques to help you connect and sense Reiki energy.


Attunements. (This is an energy transmission from me, that enables you to “channel” the Reiki healing energy.)
Guided relaxations.
Course manual.
Reiki Level 1 certification.
21 days self healing & cleansing period.
A delicious lunch.
Life time support via WhatsApp group and regular zoom meetings.

The investment for Reiki Level 1 is £160.

To book please contact me.

Places are limited.

If you have already completed Reiki Level 1 you may be interested in learning Reiki level 2 here.

Discover Reiki's Tranquility: Healing & Wellbeing in Maidenhead with a Master Reiki Healer
Sarah Anne

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